


I think i have produced a good magazine front cover that includes a lot of techniques that a normal magazine would have, for example, the cover line, the sell line and even the model credit.
I have made clear what my magazine is about and also made the colours fit with it, for example, making it bright so it appeals to my target audience.
Looking at my contents page, i could have made the writing a lot neater than it is and to clean the page up a lot more
The background of the contents page is also something that i think went well as it is also bright as well as the front cover. Doing this lets the readers know the style of the magazine, this will hopefully stay in their heads when they see the style, so they will recognize it easily. This is also why i have wrote 'Southfields' down the contents page, to remind the viewers of what they are reading about and also to remember the name of the school.

I could have improved my magazine cover by making it more appealing to parents so that they could also see what is happening in school. I could have made the writing easier to read by changing the colours around or even making them bolder and bigger. The front cover picture could have been a bit bigger to make the cover more powerful.
Looking at my contents page, i could have made the writing a lot neater than it is and to clean the page up a lot more, just to make it look more appealing. I could have made the writing a bit bigger than it is so it is more clear and easier to read.

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  1. Try to use a relatively formal register (style) in your posts- and please don't use 'i' as it is just annoying. Keep pushing yourself to explore in depth- especially in terms of connotation and denotation.


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