How did you attract/address your audience?
14:09Quite obviously, my magazine is unconventional. I chose to do this because grime music is not like others. The artists are all freestylers, the lyrics all come from their own mind at that point in time. I wanted the magazine to be different to other magazines for this reason.
The written langage on the front cover is very to the point. It is simple, however, it says what the magazine includes (GRIME, R&B, DUBSTEP, HIPHOP). As this is the main writing on the front cover, I hope the target audience will notice it and be more intrigued. The visual language is what is most important. This is due to the fact that it is a unconventional magazine and it does not include a lot of text. It will be the main thing that the target audience will see and what they will be attracted to. The design of the front cover is very different. The colour is more of a girly theme, however, the pink line of the background gives it a different effect and makes it less feminine. The cover also includes white and black, so it does make is more unisex. The different selection of colours work well together. The title is bigger and more bold than the other text. This will hopefully catch the audiences eye even though some of it is covered by the models head.
I think that the 'dubstep' across the models head in my front cover is the weakest part of the magazine. However, as my it is unconventional i feel like it is a important aspect to be different and unique. I have found some examples of other unconventional professional music magazines that relate to my music magazine because of the small text across the models heads. After looking at these i have grown to like the idea of it and as well as it also including more information about what my magazine would include. Therefore i am making no chances to that aspect of it as i feel that it is showing even more so the unconventional side.
The written language on the contents page is also quite simple like the front cover language. It includes what exactly is inside the magazine. The well known artists that are mentioned on the contents page will hopefully attract the target audience. There are also some well know lyrics that are also included which could grab their attention. The visual language is like the front cover. The colours are related to the front cover, for example, the pink, black and white. The background is black and white. This is more common in the grime genre and the music videos that they produce. The title shows that the magazine is unconventional because of the amount of the three layers that come after it. The model is different to the front cover. However, you can still tell that it is the 'ANTHEM' magazine. The model is also smoking, this is different but popular within the genre of grime.
The written language on the double page spread is more detailed than on the front cover and the contents page. this is because there has to more information to allow the audience to know what is actually happening. The text is similar to how the audience would be expected to speak and what they would want to hear. The questions asked in the interview are quite deep and personal. They mostly include information of how to get through difficult times and to always try to achieve your dreams. People who listen to grime look for this type of inspiration and want to relate to words like this. The visual language is very creative in my opinion. The title goes from the brick wall into the photo of the model into a different colour. The brick wall in the background also has paint over the top to make it more interested and appealing for the audience. The background is also dark themed. This is what would also attract people who are into the more tough and rough sides of life. The picture of the model takes up only a small amount of the page. This is because not a lot of information is included in the front cover on the contents page due to the unconventional theme. Therefore more information would have to be included on the double page spread to let the audience know what is going on.