

Due to the chart genre of my magazine my audience would be ABC1. They are more interested in the actual lyrics rather than the tune or base of the music. This would mean that they are more true to their words and what they think. Therefore the music they would like is the freestyle grime. This is because the words are unexpected and from the heart of the artists.

My audience would be both male and female, this is due to the fact that there is no defined colour or sexist statements in my magazine that would make it either male or female. The target audience would also have to appeal to a more tough and rough side. This because the locations in my magazine are quite dark and mysterious. This would also mean that their ideology would include sex, drugs and understanding the struggles through life.

 Additionally, my audience will be young adults, primarily between the ages of 18 and 34. This age group is typically more intertested in the genre of grime music (NRS results shows Vibe magazine circulation recent statistics show that in 2007 it was approximately 800,000). The age target audience for grime music is between 18-34. The target audience for my magazine is the same. This is due to the fact that the magazines doesn't include many other information apart from around the grime genre. 

The interests that my target audience will be listening to music, going out and looking after friends and family, shopping, tattoos, piercings and overall just having a good time living, not taking anything for granted.

The lifestyle that the target audience will be expected to either be at school, part time job, full employment and students at university. This is because the target audience of grime is so widely spread of when people go through stages of development in their life. For example, moving from a sixth form at 18 and going up to university from the age of 19 or 20.

Quite obviously, my magazine is unconventional. I chose to do this because grime music is not like others. The artists are all freestylers, the lyrics all come from their own mind at that point in time. I wanted the magazine to be different to other magazines for this reason. 

                              HOW DID YOU ATTRACT/ADRESS YOUR AUDIENCE?

The written langage on the front cover is very to the point. It is simple, however, it says what the magazine includes (GRIME, R&B, DUBSTEP, HIPHOP). As this is the main writing on the front cover, I hope the target audience will notice it and be more intrigued. The visual language is what is most important. This is due to the fact that it is a unconventional magazine and it does not include a lot of text. It will be the main thing that the target audience will see and what they will be attracted to. The design of the front cover is very different. The colour is more of a girly theme, however, the pink line of the background gives it a different effect and makes it less feminine. The cover also includes white and black, so it does make is more unisex. The different selection of colours work well together. The title is bigger and more bold than the other text. This will hopefully catch the audiences eye even though some of it is covered by the models head.

The written language on the contents page is also quite simple like the front cover language. It includes what exactly is inside the magazine. The well known artists that are mentioned on the contents page will hopefully attract the target audience. There are also some well know lyrics that are also included which could grab their attention. The visual language is like the front cover. The colours are related to the front cover, for example, the pink, black and white. The background is black and white. This is more common in the grime genre and the music videos that they produce. The title shows that the magazine is unconventional because of the amount of the three layers that come after it. The model is different to the front cover. However, you can still tell that it is the 'ANTHEM' magazine. The model is also smoking, this is different but popular within the genre of grime.

The written language on the double page spread is more detailed than on the front cover and the contents page. this is because there has to more information to allow the audience to know what is actually happening. The text is similar to how the audience would be expected to speak and what they would want to hear. The questions asked in the interview are quite deep and personal. They mostly include information of how to get through difficult times and to always try to achieve your dreams. People who listen to grime look for this type of inspiration and want to relate to words like this. The visual language is very creative in my opinion. The title goes from the brick wall into the photo of the model into a different colour. The brick wall in the background also has paint over the top to make it more interested and appealing for the audience. The background is also dark themed. This is what would also attract people who are into the more tough and rough sides of life. The picture of the model takes up only a small amount of the page. This is because not a lot of information is included in the front cover on the contents page due to the unconventional theme. Therefore more information would have to be included on the double page spread to let the audience know what is going on.


My magazine models on my front cover, contents page and double page spread are all female. This is because it is stated on the NRS website that men like to look at women and women also like to look at women. Women like to look at women due to the fact that they fanaticise about being like them. Men also like to look at women because this is what appeals to most of them. I have used all women for this reason and hoping that the ages of my target audience (18-34) would attract to this.

However, my magazine would also appeal to more tough people that are rebellious and also have problems that can struggle to achieve their actual aims in life.
My double page spread is the main thing in my magazine that would represent these particular social groups. This is because the text on the page describes how a famous grime singer achieved their job and the struggles that they overcame to get to where they are now. They would relate to these words.

The visual image of my front cover also represents these social groups. Grime artists usually wear the brand 'Adidas', the brand is a affordable clothing line. They sell items such as jumpers, tracksuits, jackets, leggings and mostly known for their shoes. My model in the front cover is wearing an Adidas jumper. However, it is quite hard to see because of the way she is standing. Her posture in the photo shows power. This is because she is standing tall and strong, with her head straight up and her shoulders back. Her hands are clenched, this also shows power. The models hair is pink which overall is different and unusual. However, is common when it comes to the female grime artists, they do this to stand out. This is carried on through my contents page and double page spread. My magazine wouldn't include a social group such as a feminine, dancer, barbie type people. This is because the written language and visual language is very different to what they would want to see in a magazine. For example, they would want to see stories about gossip and who's in a relationship with who. Whereas my magazine include deep conversations, talking about how tricky life can be. For the visual language, they would want to see more colours and prettier ranges of fonts, rather than it just being the same font all the way through like in my magazine.

If the genre of the magazine was pop music it would be completely different. As shown in the photo shoot of a pop music magazine the visual image would attract more of a younger age from 8-20. It would most likely attract more if soft and thoughtful audience as well as female. The way that the models hair is placed neatly on her head like a little girls would makes the photo seem a lot more safe instead of it being rough and messy. She also has a natural hair colour unlike the model in my magazine. She is all very pink and barbie like, this would very much appeal to the social group of feminism. The models posture is similar to my front cover model. This is because of the way she is standing straight and looking ahead. However, its more of a ballet dancer affect. Her facial expression is also quite jokey and funny. It is different to my magazine because it is less serious and more humorous.


Magazines contain typical conventions. These are masthead, a sticking cover image and an attractive colour scheme. They usually consist of three colours. These conventions ensure a successful magazine and what is also the visual language. Typical magazines include the same style through out the magazine, memorable sell line and cover lines. These are what construct the formula. I have chosen to keep similar conventions throughout my magazine so the audience will remember the style and the overall look of the formula.

Cover Image
Before editing

The cover image is very important. It is what people first see of the magazine and gives them an overall view of what the magazine will be like. It gives them an indication of the format and formula of the magazine. The image has to relate to what the magazine is about so therefore the audience will not get confused. It has to grab their attention, it has to be something that the target audience would attract to.

After editing

I have chosen to do an unconventional magazine. A typical conventional magazine would have the model making eye contact towards the reader so it would stand out and they are more intrigued to see what is inside. This is why the model in my cover is looking to the right rather than straight on. Although it doesn't nessasarly mean that people will notice the cover more, it does stand out as being unconventional which is what i was going for. The feeling that my cover photo gives however is more interesting, it is very different but in a positive way, more like making people want to ask questions.

In order to make my cover magazine stand out, i have made the models hair pink and brightened up the image. The colour of the background is much more striking than the previous one. This would hopefully attract attention as pink is a bright colour. I have used the webpage 'befunky' to create my final front cover image.

Colour Scheme

I have chose to use pink as my main colour throughout the magazine. Although this is mainly known to be a female colour, the black and white makes it more masculine. This fits my social group and my target audience. Because of these colours that i have used, i created a continuity that allowed me to figure out my house style clearly for the audience to see. Although a conventional magazine does usually include 3 colours, I decided to use 3 even though mine is an unconventional magazine. I think that pink, black and white work well together, they do not clash, therefore it would be more attractive and appealing to the eye for the audience. As shown from these pictures of my front cover, contents page, it is clear that i have used the colours pink, black and white throughout.

Final front cover
Final contents page

Sell Line

The sell line gives the audience an indication of what is inside and what is included in the magazine. It is the main point of what the magazine is about. It can be one of the factors that attract the audience into the magazine. My magazine is unconventional, therefore it doesn't have a well descripted sell line. It is "CRYSTAL". However, is a very well known grime singer, this overall could attract people into the magazine because it is a well known name. Crystal is the main topic of the whole magazine, therefore people will want to know more with whats it contains.

Mast Head

Mast Head

The masthead of  a magazine is located in the top few inches of the cover. I decided to have a bold black masthead to allow it to stand out. This would mean that id it was ever on a new-stand, it would be seen easy. I haven't used the same font or colour of the mast head throughout my magazine like other normal magazines would. I decided to do as my magazine is unconventional, i want it to be clear that it is different to traditional magazines.

I have chose to use Georgia for my masthead and it makes the title very neat and bolder. It is a modern font and would be easy to spot. By choosing black, Georgia masthead i have created a memorable brand for my magazine that people would be able to remember. As it is a mature font, it would appeal to my target audience of 18-34 year olds.


Overall, I feel like my magazine works and is successful. This is due to the fact that I have followed to my choice of an unconventional magazine. The magazine is very well constructed for this type. The image is very striking, meaning people will be attracted to it. By following a magazine such as RayGun which is also unconventional, I have created a professional look.


For my preliminary task i had to produce a front cover for a school magazine. It includes a picture of a student, with a sell line, cover lines, mast head and text that fits the magazine. I also had to create a contents page that goes with my front cover.

I decided to do my front cover picture of an art student. There is art work behind her that she produced. This makes it real and relevant to the magazine as well as positive and colorful rather than the colours being dull and boring that wouldn't attract the correct target audience. It be more appealing to look at because of these colours popping out the page.


Before editing

After editing

I have decided to enhance the colours as you can see from the before and after editing pictures of my front cover picture. I did this so it is more attractive and appeal, to create more of a positive affect. The colours in the picture before editing are dull and boring compared to the picture of after edited. I made the colours brighter in my final task of my front cover as well. When i created my school magazine front cover I did not really understand how to make a professional looking front cover. I did some research of unconventional magazines, this is why my music magazine front cover appears more professional than my preliminary task. I created a different look on my model in my music magazine, this attracts my target audience which i have also taken more into consideration than in my school magazine. I changed a lot in my music magazine rather than the school magazine. This is due to that fact that I looked more closely into the things that i could have perfected, for example, lines over the face that i smoothed out. This makes it more appealing to the eye and professional looking.

Before editing

After editing
I feel like my music magazine is very much more improved than in my school magazine. I have changed the dull colours to more of a brighter and positive colour. The pink represents the magazine and carry on throughout to the contents page and the double page spread. The preliminary task helped me to learn how to brighten those colours to make it more appealing and exciting for the audience. I feel like my music was a lot more successful than in my school magazine, this is because of the fact that i have learnt a lot more to do with the magazines whilst doing my course work. It looks more professional.

Contents page 

Music magazine contents page
Preliminary task contents page

My contents page has changed a lot in my music magazine compared to my preliminary task. My preliminary contents page is very hard to read and too over the top in my opinion, it didnt really relate to the school theme, although the text was appropriate. I feel it did not live up to the appropriate conventions. However, I think the colour flows from my front cover, it still proceeds to be colorful and bright. The pages that i have named on my contents page are not clear. The text is not clear over the firework like stickers. This makes it difficult for people to read, making them irritated and being put off reading the whole magazine overall. My contents page for the preliminary task is very consistent to my front cover. Although you can't see it very clearly, it is the same model, this is not very clear which would mean that people may not recognise or remember the magazine. This could result in the magazine being unsuccessful.

In my music magazine contents page there are duller colours. However, it looks more professional and the pink, black and white carry on throughout the magazine.

I have made sure that in my music magazine, the text is visible to see so people know the correct information and also filled the page to make it look more professional. The colours have changed, it might be less noticeable, however, much more clear and fitting the theme to my genre of grime.

Overall, i feel that my music video is much more successful, due to that fact that i knew a lot more about the conventions and the structure of a magazine after doing my preliminary task. The information i gathered helped me produce this contents page which i feel is successful.


My image for my music magazine front cover is a lot more successful than my preliminary task. This is due to that fact that my preliminary task didn't relate to the genre of school as much as it could have. Looking at the photo, people will not think school straight away. Whereas for my music magazine, i feel the photo fits the genre a lot more. The photo is in black and white, there are no real bright colours when it comes to grime music.

However, I think that the smile on the models face gives that positive affect that the target audience would want to see on the front cover, it shows she enjoys the school. The picture on my music magazine also represents it well, the model is serious which is what the target audience for the grime magazine want to see, she is showing power because of her structure and the way her shoulders and back with her her straight forward.


After completing my preliminary task, I was able to produce a more successful magazine due to that fact that I researched a lot more and learnt more about the important aspects that make up a professional looking magazine.




I have used many forms of technology to construct my product.
I used blogger to keep all my course work together. Therefore I was able to look back at what i have researched to help me construct my final product. This made the process a lot easier and overall helped me complete a professional looking magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

I used prezi for in my evaluation. It is a very creative way to present something. However, i did find it tricky to use as i am not a technical person. I managed to research how to use it so i could present my evaluation in a more creative way. It is a different way to present coursework.

I worked on a laptop to do my coursework and my final product. I also worked on it at home as well as school. It is very easy to use as everything i needed to produce my evaluation was already on the laptop. I found out all my information on this also, this made the research easier and also helped my create the magazine that I have created. The laptop was very useful and I had very little issue with using one.

To take my pictures of my front cover and my double page spread i used a professional camera from the school. This is so i could get the best possible outcome of the quality of the photo. However, for my contents page i needed a more natural photo that was taken from just moving around, it worked out very well and fit well to the genre of grime. The photo was taken on a general iPhone to create that affect. The camera and the phone were both very easy to use and to be able to connect up to the laptop to father edit.
 The photos i took from the camera and phone above were them edited on a website called 'pixlr' This was a new site to me as i have never used it before, it became very easy to use after a while. This website allowed me to change the background, colour, imperfections and many more. It was very handy, for example, i piece of hair was in the models hair that looked misplaced, pixle allowed me to correct this and to cover it, it also allowed me to change the hair colour of the model to make my magazine seem more interesting, to relate to grime music.

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