What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


I have used many forms of technology to construct my product.

I used blogger to keep all my course work together. Therefore I was able to look back at what i have researched to help me construct my final product. This made the process a lot easier and overall helped me complete a professional looking magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

I used prezi for in my evaluation. It is a very creative way to present something. However, i did find it tricky to use as i am not a technical person. I managed to research how to use it so i could present my evaluation in a more creative way. It is a different way to present coursework.

I worked on a laptop to do my coursework and my final product. I also worked on it at home as well as school. It is very easy to use as everything i needed to produce my evaluation was already on the laptop. I found out all my information on this also, this made the research easier and also helped my create the magazine that I have created. The laptop was very useful and I had very little issue with using one.

To take my pictures of my front cover and my double page spread i used a professional camera from the school. This is so i could get the best possible outcome of the quality of the photo. However, for my contents page i needed a more natural photo that was taken from just moving around, it worked out very well and fit well to the genre of grime. The photo was taken on a general iPhone to create that affect. The camera and the phone were both very easy to use and to be able to connect up to the laptop to father edit.
 The photos i took from the camera and phone above were them edited on a website called 'pixlr' This was a new site to me as i have never used it before, it became very easy to use after a while. This website allowed me to change the background, colour, imperfections and many more. It was very handy, for example, i piece of hair was in the models hair that looked misplaced, pixle allowed me to correct this and to cover it, it also allowed me to change the hair colour of the model to make my magazine seem more interesting, to relate to grime music.

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